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Little Book Owl

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The Night Is for Hunting
Suzi Dougherty, John Marsden
The Wise Man's Fear
Patrick Rothfuss
Living Dead Girl - Elizabeth Scott Wow.
Shades of Earth - Beth Revis no no no no NO NO NO!I hate these new covers. NO! I LOVED THE OLD COVERS! WITH A PASSION!

Shatter Me

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi Original review from Little Book OwlFull video review found here: YoutubeThe plot is extremely captivating, dragging you right in to the story. I could not put this book down.I loved the writing style. It was beautiful, poetic, lyrical and very visual language. The crossed out portions of the book were very intriguing, enabling you to really get inside Juliette's mind and see what her true feelings and thoughts are.Juliet was a wonderful and strong main character who has been through someAdam started out a bastard, but you soon learn why this was and what his motives were.I loved Warner. He was a fantastic antagonist. He is pretty messed up mentally, but he was a very solid character. He had feasible reasons for his actions, and he was pretty much just a really evil character.

Beauty Queens

Beauty Queens - Libba Bray 3 1/2 starsOriginal review from Little Book OwlI was a little disappointed with Beauty Queens. I did find it amusing and witty throughout most of the book, and I had a few giggles. But aside from the clever humour and the way it was written and composed, I felt it a little lacking. I did like the book though, but the plot and characters made it difficult to get through. This book took me two months to read. TWO! And by the end of it, reading this book became very difficult. The plot was very interesting and unique, but I didn't like its portrayal. The story line was very silly, and at some times I found this to be a little too much. Sometimes it seemed to come across a little immature and cheesy and I wish it would have been a little more serious at times. It did address some serious and controversial issues, so the light-hearted nature of the book worked both for and against these parts of the story. On one hand, it resulted in a lighter tone and didn't make a big deal out of these issues, but at the same time is kind of poked fun at them. I understand that this wasn't intentional or anything, and I liked how the book didn't take a serious turn when these elements popped up, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people found it a little offensive.It was just a little too out there for my taste. With books, I like them to be believable. Paranormal and fantasy books are 'out there' and non realistic, but the way that the world is built and the characters within the setting need to be realistic in order for the story to come across as feasible. In Beauty Queens, everything was just too bizarre and crazy for me to believe that this would or could ever happen.The characters just didn't work for me. They started off as your stereo-typical beauty queens, but as the story progresses, their underlying personalities are unveiled. They had their own unique quirks and characteristics, with some of the prominent personalities clashing. Aside from this though, there was just something lacking. There wasn't enough room for character development and I am guessing that this may have been a result of the mass of characters the story followed. It jumped from one beauty queen to the next continuously, so you didn't get to see much growth in any of them - maybe with the exception of one or two.I would like to end this on a more positive note, however, because I feel that although this wasn't my cup of tea, I know that some people really enjoyed this book and so might you. I did love the dialogue between the characters. I thought it was well written and very clever. The format of the book as well was very unique and I really liked it - funny commercial breaks, witty footnotes scattered throughout the book. These elements definitely made the book more interesting.
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins Original review from Little Book OwlFull video review found here: YoutubeSimple, yet satisfying plot that keeps you wanting to read until the very end. I devoured this book in a day! It has a quirky and entertaining writing style, which is beautifully pacedThe characters were amazing. Anna was funny, witty and a believable main character. Then we have the gorgeous St. Clair... who is beautiful, charming, clever and funny. The whole package, really. I am more than a little jealous.Anna and the French Kiss was an absolutely FANTASTIC read. I have never read much in the way of contemporary, but this book converted me to the wonderful, romantic world instantly. I fell in love straight away.
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin Original review from Little Book OwlFull video review found here: YoutubeThis book leaves me speechless. It was incredible.Mysterious and creepy throughout the whole book. Full of beautiful descriptions which are not overdone, which will leave you with chills.The characters were amazing. Mara Dyer is an unstable and unreliable main character with snark. Then Noah Shaw starts out as your typical bad-boy/player who grows and develops into a lovable character.Pick this book up. Now.
Suspense (The Spencer Nye Trilogy #1) - Jason Letts Original review from Little Book OwlSuspense was an entertaining, and very unique story. There is so much action, and this picks up almost immediately and the fast-pace helped in making this book a quick and easy read. The world in which the story is set, is digitally advanced, full of intriguing technologies and devices including "Connect", which is pretty much the ultimate social networking/internet database, the ability to defy gravity and walk on walls and molecular synthesisers which can produce anything and everything. I loved the loyalty evident between the trio, Spencer, Patch and Jetta. Spencer has her flaws, and doesn't always make the right choices, but her friends still stand by her through everything. I would have really liked to get to know these three characters a little better -not so much with Spencer, as she narrated the story and you learn more about her than the other characters. I found Suspense as a fairly deep story. The messages brought up by the mass of technology reflect modern society issues and threats. Firstly, there is no need for money. The lack of money results in equality in socioeconomic status amongst everyone, as the molecular synthesisers are able to produce anything someone could want or need, for free. There is also the reflection upon how technology is an integral part of human life, and I think this is a realistic commodity for the future of humanity. We become so incredibly dependant that we are unable to fend for ourselves.Lee, the antagonist, has motives which derive from the comparison and choice between what life is today, and the today ideas I described above. He tried to strip the humans of their dependency on technology, and awaken them to some unknown truth. So basically, the choice is between equality and sufficient resources for life, and our current state of living where we have more freedom, being able to rely on ones self and each other, and being able to set goals for ourselves and challenge our abilities. Alongside these positives, are the negatives to each society - becoming weak and solely dependent on technologies which can be taken away in a moment, or on the other hand - inequality and having to work for ones survival.The ending of this book leaves you wanting more, as it finishes with a huge twist that explains the source of the technologies available in this world. Look out for Expense which will be released in a few days!I also had the honour of interviewing the author, Jason Letts. Click HERE to take a look!Review copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Far From The War - Jeffrey David Payne Original review from Little Book OwlI will admit that I have never read a book based around politics and war. I was surprisingly pleased with it, though, and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The beginning was just a little slow for me. I am completely clueless and politics and all that, even more so considering it is American politics, so I was confused with all of the technical and political parts explored towards the beginning.Esther was an interesting character to follow. I loved her wit and humour. Whenever Esther engaged in conversation with others, she managed to pitch in and provide some funny one-liners. I also really admired her boldness, bravery and determination. When it came to the war aspects, Esther's mind was set on survival. She was determined to get home and did whatever it took to get there. Not once did she consider giving up. On the other hand, when the love interest was introduced, Esther took the initiative to make a move herself. I loved seeing the roles reversed with their relationship, and it was done in such a way that the male was not deemed as any less of a "man", so to speak. She was bold and did not hesitate to take chances. I loved the relationship between the two characters. Although I felt it was a little rushed, I understand that the story occurred over a long period of time, and it skipped forward a few months every so often.The people Esther met and befriended on her journey home added so much depth to the story, and unfortunately more tragedy and pain for Esther. She grew so close with a select few, and the war ripped them away from her. This was bitter sweet - Payne crafted lovable and humorous characters, and just as you grew attached to them (alongside Esther), a sudden turn of events would take them away. The action in this book was quite graphic and gruesome. This was shocking and confronting, but I did not have any issues with it, in all honesty I liked how Jeffrey Payne did not attempt to hide the harsh nature of war. It assisted with the realism and visual impact of the novel, but for those of you who may have an issue with this, be wary of the fact that it gets a little bloody. I would not recommend this book for younger readers, because of this factor. It is set during a civil war, and the conflicts Esther faces are described in a little bit of detail. I loved how the book ended. It wrapped up quite nicely, yet still leaves you wanting to know what happens next, and how things turn out with the love interest. The second book, The Mail Still Runs is released next year, and I am really looking forward to continuing on with the story!Review copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead Original review from Little Book OwlAn epic finale to a truly amazing series. My favourite vampire series by far. However, my relationship with the books was kind of strange. I would be reading one, totally engrossed and fascinated, and then when it finished I would forget about it a bit. I did not jump at the opportunity to pick up the next. I don’t know why - the books are amazing, maybe it is just a result of the sheer size of half of the books.I don't know what it is about Mead's writing style and the world she has created, but I get completely sucked into the story. This particular vampire world is so unique, and I loved it. I stayed up until 3am to read this book, because I just could not draw myself away. There is so much that goes on in the story, leaving no room for slow-paced, boring scenes. Rose disappointed me a little bit in this book. Don't get me wrong, I love Rose. She is an incredible strong and ballsy character who is willing to take insane risks and sacrifice herself for others, however her relationship with Dimitri in this book brought out a side of Rose that I cannot commend. The main action I am referring to (which I will not explain, so as not to spoil the story) resulted in me losing some respect for Rose. I still think she is an amazing character, but what she did was unfair to one party, whom I adore.I loved Lissa's development in this book aswell. After having Rose taken away from her and put into a very dangerous position, Lissa grows a backbone and works towards finding a solution to Rose's problematic situation. She is really strong throughout this book, and her intellect shines through as well, in various challenges she faces. I have always loved Lissa, she is kind, passionate and caring, but I really admire her determination in strength in this book.The ending was good and bad. I liked where Rose had ended up, but I feel it was a little sugar-coated on her side, and then a lot of the side characters were ignored. I really want to know what happened to everyone else! And I guess that is a main reason for me wanting to get into Bloodlines.

The Maze Runner (Maze Runner Series #1)

The Maze Runner - James Dashner Original review from Little Book OwlFull video review found here: YoutubeSo much mystery, and extremely creepy. Loved the male protagonist. Incredible and developed characters. The mental imagery it creates is so vivid. Absolutely loved it.
Across the Universe - Beth Revis Original review from Little Book OwlFull video review found here: YoutubeWonderfully written. Amazing characters, plotline and mystery element throughout the entire novel, leaving me in suspence and then completely astounded as the truth unravelled. Just an incredible book. Pick it up and read it. Now.
Hourglass - Myra McEntire Rating: 4 1/2 starsOriginal review from Little Book OwlHourglass was a fantastic and unique read. I have never read anything quite like it. It is filled with so many twists and turns that you could never predict would happen. This helped to keep the story going at a nice pace. You would just be cruising along then BAM a twist here and BAM a turn there. Maybe not so dramatic, aside from an occasion or two. What really surprised my was the fact that it was a Sci-Fi novel. The synopsis is very deceiving and tricky, but it surely helps with that surprise factor. You go into the story with the same mindset as Emerson, and you figure out the real story along with her.I love Emerson. She was a brilliant protagonist for this story, and McEntire has put along of essence into her. She has so much substance and is a well thought out character. Emerson has been through a hell of her own, and the experiences have left her fragile in a way, but so much stronger as well. You need to read the book to really understand what I mean there, she has learnt how to deal in difficult situations but there are the times when she breaks just a little. But Emerson's wit and sarcasm added so much humour to the story, and you will definitely find yourself laughing throughout the entire story.I truly admire the relationship that Emerson and her brother, Thomas, share. It is evident that they really love and care for each other, and to be honest it makes me a little jealous of the relationship I have with my brother! It is inspiring how much they care for each other and do whatever it takes to look after each other. You could definitely see that Thomas is stuck between the role of brother and father, as he has ben responsible for her since their parents death. This just made their relationship more realistic and believable. I also loved Dru, Thomas' wife. She was so understanding and kind and a lovely personality that Emerson really needed in her life.When it comes to Emerson's love interest, I got a bit annoyed. I will admit, Michael is gorgeous and lovable, and they had such strong chemistry. Michael has been hired by Emerson's brother to help her out with her 'problem' which means that their relationship must be kept as strictly professional *sigh*. This is what frustrating, as there was so much tension but nothing could be done about it.McEntire did a magnificent job when it came down to the technical and sci-fi areas in the novel. They were executed with perfection, leaving no room for confusion for the reader. I won't spoil all of the good bits, but the truth behind Emerson's abilities were so unexpected and a great twist.If you haven't read Hourglass, please do. The book was a breath of fresh air - I haven't read a book with so many surprises in a long time. A really wonderful read.
Allegiant - Veronica Roth Oh man, that beautiful cover! I AM SO RELIEVED, man, SO RELIEVED that the publishers did not change the cover! THANK GOODNESS

Wither (Chemical Garden)

Wither (Chemical Garden) - Lauren DeStefano Rated 4 1/2 starsOriginal review from Little Book OwlWither is a beautifully written novel. The emotions conveyed and the world created by DeStefano are all so vivid. The story is heart-wrenching and tear-jerking, the characters leave you with an aching heart, and the dystopian world is so tragically disturbing. I cannot conjure up the right words to appropriately express how talented Lauren DeStefano is. The way that she writes and her ability to simultaneously infuse beauty and horror is just indescribable.The pace of the story was quite slow and calm. This gave way to the character development and world building which was magnificently done. The plot focuses on Rhine's journey to build trust with Linden and his father, as she attempts to undermine them and ultimately escape from the life she has been thrust into. There are plenty of emotional moments, as Rhine develops strong relationships with her sister brides as well as Linden's dying wife.Rhine is an admirable character. Her strength and dedication does not falter one bit, from the moment she is kidnapped. She wants out and that is the only option she will accept. She was so incredibly brave and strong.I will admit, that I didn't like Cecily toward the beginning of the book. She began to grow on me as the story went on but she let of a childish and immature vibe that really frustrated me. On the other hand, I loved Jen the whole way through. Her reaction to her situation was not what I expected from her, but I still liked her personality. She brought out a lot of emotion in me when it came down to some intense scenes.This is really hard to write. I just can't put into words how beautiful the story was. The story itself was quite horrifying, but DeStefano's writing was gorgeous and perfect for this type of dystopian book. She managed to combine these two elements so well.
Divergent  - Veronica Roth Original review from Little Book OwlI will just come out and say it: I loved Divergent. Veronica Roth has done a magnificent job at creating the dystopian Chicago, her characters and the plot. Even the cover is beautiful - that is what drew me into the world to start off with. The flame design in particular is just amazing, symbolically for the story as well as aesthetically. I would wholeheartedly recommend this novel to anyone I came across. Just AMAZING!I only had one thing that I could pick at from the book - the pacing at the beginning was a little slow. The story took a couple of chapters to really pick up momentum and really get into the story, but I didn't find it tedious or dragging. It just simply took a short while to really start getting into the good stuff. But aside from that, the pacing begins to move forward more fluidly and by the end of the story, things are moving along nice and quickly - which suits the magnitude of the action. The book comes shy off 500 pages and even still, I devoured the novel in a day or two.Roth's writing is so unique and incredibly well with both the story and Tris's character. I developed a connection with Tris emotionally and as I read, I really felt what she would have felt in certain situations: butterflies in my stomach when nervous is fearful; becoming teary when Tris has gone through something upsetting; couldn't stop smiling when something simply adorable or hilarious pops up. This aspect really boosted my opinions for Roth's writing skill.And just expanding on that last point - I found myself giggling a few times at a couple of instances throughout the book. I don't know why, but this following quote make me laugh so much:"That's my girl. Tough as cotton balls." - page 411Tris is a very strong and brave character, and I love her for that. I admire Tris' ability to take control of situations that could go so wrong. Although she has a certain strength, she has a vulnerability that adds more dimension and personality to her character. Nobody is perfect and Tris' flaws both help and threaten her position. She is able to use it to her advantage, whilst it can also be a bit dangerous, depending on the situation. Alongside Tris is a huge cast of side characters which are all so important to the story. The people she meets along the way help Tris to discover who she is, and they were all fleshed out enough to contribute their part to the story without taking over from Tris' journey.Divergent is a truly phenomenal story, which you should all go out and buy right now if you haven't already! The plot is so unique and intriguing, the characters are lovable and Roth's execution of her story was done brilliantly. Seriously, read it now. If you have already, read it again.
Hush, Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick Original review from Little Book OwlHush, Hush is a humorous and mysterious read. I really loved these two aspects of the story the most, and Becca Fitzpatrick managed to make the two work well together.Out of the cast of characters, I wouldn't say that Nora was my favourite to be completely honest. I found Nora to be a bit contradictory and unable to make up her mind, which could get a bit annoying. Patch, the love interest is so mysterious and dark and probably my favourite character. His bad-boy personality is irresistible - both for Nora and the reader, which is another plus. His conversations with Nora bring light to his cheekiness, as he teases and flirts with her.Vee, Nora's best friend, was definitely a lovable character for me - at least at the beginning. She comes out giggle-worthy one-liners whenever she pops up in the story, and it really brought her character to life. I found myself getting stares on the plane from my brother and a couple of strangers, for giggling to myself over a funny comeback of hers. However, as the story progressed, Vee became pretty reckless and selfish. She would party, and hang out with Elliott and Jules and rely on Nora to come to her rescue if things got out of hand, putting her in dangerous situations more than once.Another great point for the story, is that I found Patch and Nora's relationship is believable and realistic. They would argue and contradict one another at every chance towards the beginning - showing Nora's initial dislike, but also hints towards some flirtation.I borrowed Hush, Hush from a friend who did not enjoy reading it. I can say that I did enjoy Hush, Hush, the story was interesting and unique in comparison to other fallen angel stories. The characters weren't perfect, but they had substance. I will be looking forward to reading the sequel, Crescendo